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Introduction and usage

The API consists of simple HTTP JSON responses. Data can be sent trough POST or GET requests. You don't need any authorization key for using it, just please be gentle with the number of requests. Let's see a few things.

Query the database



  • gameid - Integer - Filter by ID (unique). E.g. 3335
  • slug - String - Filter by slug (unique). E.g. super-mario-bros-europe-eu-nes-nes
  • original_name - String - Filter by ROM name. E.g. Super Mario Bros. (Europe)
  • title - String - Filter by displayed title. E.g. Super Mario Bros.
  • title_human - String - Filter by a simpler format of title. E.g. super mario bros
  • platform - String (JSON) - Filter by platform abbreviation. E.g. ["NES","SNES"]
  • regions - String (JSON) - Filter by regions. E.g. ["EU","US"]
  • format - String - Filter by ROM format. E.g. ISO
  • size - Integer - Filter by file size. E.g. 29798
  • size_human - String - Filter by file size in human readable format. E.g. 29.1K
  • limit - Integer - Limit the number of results (max is 50) (default is 1).
  • page - Integer - Determines the range of results depending on the limit (default is 1).


  • All string parameters support SQL-like wildcards.
    E.g. title=%mario% will filter by game titles containing "mario".
  • platform and regions parameters must be in JSON array string format.
    E.g. platform=["PS1","PS2","PS3"] (filter by games for PS1, PS2 or PS3),
    regions=["EU","JP"] (filter by games released in Europe and/or Japan).
  • platform, regions and format parameters must be in ALL CAPS.
  • When there are no results, an empty array will be returned ([]).

Status codes

  • 200 (OK)
  • 400 (Bad Request)

Example usage

Getting the first 30 european Wii games starting with "a" in WBFS format

curl -X POST \
-d platform="[\"WII\"]" \
-d regions="[\"EU\"]" \
-d title="a%" \
-d format="WBFS" \
-d limit=30


    "gameid": 30593,
    "slug": "a-boy-and-his-blob-eu-wii-wbfs",
    "original_name": "A Boy and His Blob",
    "title": "A Boy and His Blob",
    "title_human": "a boy and his blob",
    "platform": "WII",
    "regions": [
    "format": "WBFS",
    "size": 1395864371,
    "size_human": "1.3G",
    "links": [
        "name": "main",
        "value": "",
        "source": "archive"

Get platforms definitions


No parameters.

Returns an object where every string is the platform abbreviation and the value is its longer formatted version.

Status codes

  • 200 (OK)

Example usage

curl -X POST


  "NES": "Nintendo",
  "SNES": "Super Nintendo",
  "GB": "GameBoy",
  "GBC": "GameBoy Color",
  "GBA": "GameBoy Advance",
  "MIN": "Pok\u00e9mon Mini",
  "VB": "Virtual Boy",
  "N64": "Nintendo 64",
  "GC": "GameCube",
  "NDS": "DS",
  "DSIW": "DSiWare",
  "WII": "Wii",
  "3DS": "3DS",
  "WIIU": "Wii U",
  "PS1": "PlayStation 1",
  "PS2": "PlayStation 2",

Get regions definitions


No parameters.

Returns an object where every string is the region abbreviation and the value is its longer formatted version.

Status codes

  • 200 (OK)

Example usage

curl -X POST


  "US": "USA",
  "EU": "Europe",
  "JP": "Japan",
  "NS": "Not specified",